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Date: 2/6/2025
Subject: FETA Newsletter Winter 2025
From: FETA Board


FETA Newsletter

Winter 2025

President's Message

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said over 2500 years ago that “the only constant in life is change”. That too can be said for FETA. We have been blessed since our inception in 1993 with leadership from well-established trail owners who have lived in this community for many years. Their dedication and love for our truly unique trail system and their community spirit have given birth and nurtured FETA to be the organization it is today. Thank you from the bottom of our collective hearts.

Due to retirements, pending retirements, and the natural rotation of board members, we have a new board of directors. Many of us aren’t as steeped in the traditions as those who have served before us, but I can assure you that we share the same passion for horses, trail riding, and all that FETA stands for. FETA is in fact the reason my wife and I moved to Tryon. I ask for your indulgence and guidance as we settle into our new positions and become more grounded as we carry on the spirit and traditions set by the leaders who have gone before us. I personally look forward to getting to know you and am humbled and honored to be your new president.

I am extremely proud of, and excited about the work of many of you, our trail volunteers, and your quick response and dedication to the recovery of our trail system after Hurricane Helene. We have a long way to go, but I am happy to announce that over 75% of the trail system is cleared and ready for your riding enjoyment. THANK YOU to all who have donated time and energy to this overwhelming project. As you are out on the trail, please take note of any blockages or downed trees that you come across. Take a picture please and note the location and send it to, or use the button below. With your help, we can stay informed and notify members of trail conditions.
We have a few board openings to fill this year. If you have an interest in joining a hardworking, all volunteer group and are a trail owner, please reach out our nominations committee using the button below. Also, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, please reach out to me. If you would like to add a trail to your property or discuss an existing trail, please reach out to me below.

Happy Trails!
Larry Roselle, President
Email Trail Master for Trail Issues
Email for Nominations
Email Larry, FETA President

FETA Board Member Updates

We are welcoming a new member, Chris Simonetti, to the board! Chris will be taking the position of Trail Master. 
Christopher Simonetti is a licensed real estate broker with Coldwell Banker Caine in Spartanburg, South Carolina, holding licenses in South Carolina, North Carolina, and New York. Originally from Long Island, New York, he relocated to Landrum, South Carolina where he owns and operates Lazy S Ranch, a 14-acre horse farm.
Horses have been a lifelong passion for Christopher since 1960. His equestrian experience includes trail riding, natural horsemanship, team penning, roping, cowboy mounted shooting, and participation in the Spirit of Long Island drill team. He is also a proud member of POLK County Emergency Rescue (PEER).
Beyond his professional and equestrian commitments, Christopher cherishes time spent with his three children and seven grandchildren (soon to be ten) and his significant other, Denise.

The board wishes the best for Dan McFerrin as he steps down from the Trail Master position. We are extremely grateful for all of his hard work over the last few years and wish him the best as he takes time to spend with family. 

Our sincere thanks to Kathleen Douglas for accepting the position of FETA President. At this time, Family commitments deem it necessary for her to step down. We are grateful for her leadership as well as the time and energy she has given in support of FETA. 

Meet the FETA Board for 2025!

Below is your current 2025 FETA Board!
Larry Roselle - President/Trail Owner Relations/Easements
Steve Herbert - Vice President/Trails
Tracey Evans - Secretary
Jean Wright - Treasurer
Chris Simonetti - Trail Master
Rhonda King - Events Coordinator
Shell Brodnax - Events Coordinator
Lynne Driscoll - Memberships
Bergen Jorgenson Price - Communications

Volunteer Opportunities

Your FETA board of directors is a group who manages the work and funds to keep FETA running. It is a true working board; each board member has a job that contributes to FETA’s success. Besides the usual board positions of secretary and treasurer, board members oversee trail maintenance, membership, our events, communications, the mapping and recording of trail

easements, Trail Owner relations, insurance and the FETA website. We are assisted in this work by several dedicated volunteers.

We are looking for volunteers in the following areas:  

  • Memberships

  • Trail Easements

  • Volunteer Coordination

If you have an interest in working with the board, either as a member or volunteer, please contact the Nominations Committee. 

Email Steve Herbert if you have time and skills to contribute!

Email for Volunteer Interest

Trail Maintenance

FETA is organizing trail teams who will be responsible for regular trail maintenance. These teams will work in conjunction with the the FETA worker who does regular trail maintenance. In a perfect world these trail clearing/pick-up crews will meet roughly monthly to walk the trails and cut back encroaching branches, remove sticks, evaluate water crossings, evaluate drainage/run-off issues, and generally make recommendations on keeping the trails is good repair. As those of you who participated in the volunteer work day know, this tends to be a great way to get to know people and have fun with friends. We need to keep crews to 3-5 people so that the days are manageable. Currently we have a need for volunteers for the Rondo Ridge trails for regular work.

In addition we want to curate a list of willing volunteers for days when we have bigger issues that need to be addressed. Ideally this list will be filled with people who are interested in coming out on an as needed basis. We would like to get you name, phone number and days of the week you are available as well as what you are comfortable doing, (ie, walking trails throwing sticks, dragging downed trees, driving a Mule, providing drinks or sandwiches, etc.) to volunteer. This will be especially helpful following large storms when we have several downed trees or if we schedule another large scale work day. Please click the button below to if you are interested in being on the volunteer list! 
Email for Trail Team Interest

What is a FETA Trail Protection Easement and why do Landowners want one?
By Dot Moyer

A FETA Trail Protection Easement is a legal grant by a Landowner to FETA for use of designated trail(s) on their property. It protects the trail and access from being arbitrarily closed in the future. And EVERYBODY should care, because it benefits everyone in our area.

FETA has been working for 20+ years to obtain a network of easement-protected equestrian trails, often designing the system based on where landowners agree to trail protection. Trail Protection Easements provide stability and protect the integrity
of the trail system for the future.
Trail Protection Easements provide many benefits for Landowners, including:
  • Linking property to a rare and valuable amenity like the FETA trail system increases its value. Estimates are an approximate 30% increase with FETA trail
    access, with property surrounded by the most protected trails being the most valuable. This applies to both equestrian and non-equestrian properties.
  • Easement-protected trails assure Landowners’ access to recreational opportunities off their own property, making all connecting property more
  • FETA Landowners who protect their trails by easement have reciprocal membership rights with CETA, giving them otherwise-unavailable riding opportunities. (CETA membership is restricted to their land territory and ownership.)
  • FETA is a “cooperative” of Landowners, and helps with maintenance, trail
    regulation, insurance and current information. It creates a community.
Why does this benefit everyone in our community?
  • Area trail systems encourage rural land use. Horses need land, and, like farming, properly-sized horse farms promote low density and open space.
  • Our equestrian heritage, expertise and facilities are nationally and internationally recognized. They provide jobs and other economic benefit.
  • Low population density, rural land reduces the local cost of community services to residents, resulting in lower taxes while providing a stable tax base.
  • Without equestrian-use demand, property will be lost to high-density development, with the sprawl, traffic and higher taxes many of our neighboring areas are experiencing.
While most of the large and major connecting FETA trails are protected by easements, there are properties that are still not covered. If you are a Landowner and your trail is not protected, contact Larry Roselle to talk about how this would benefit you and our community.

BUYER BEWARE: Property is often advertised as “on” the FETA system. While the property may be near a trail and in the FETA territory, many such properties have no safe trail access. Do your homework before you buy to avoid disappointed expectations.
Contact FETA at if you have questions about access from a specific property.

Dot Moyer is a Past President of FETA and also served as Easements and Trails Chair. She currently sits on the Board of Directors of Equine Land Conservation Resource, a national non-profit working to protect access to land for equines.

FETA is grateful to the trail owners that have proactively put their trails in the protection of an easement for the future! Below is a list of trails that became easements in 2024 - 
  • Pony Track Backstretch
  • Echo West Loop
  • Hoofprince Trail 
  • Extra Steps
The following are new trails that were added to the FETA system in 2024 - 
  • Mr. Grace
  • Autumn Hill

Save the Date for the annual Spring New Member Welcome Picnic!
Thursday, May 8, 2025

Thursday, May 8, 2025 at FENCE

FETA Quick Reference

Foothills Equestrian Trails Association

  • Trails are on PRIVATE property and open to current FETA members only.

  • Check trail status on the FETA Facebook group or call 828-859-0133 before you ride to confirm trail status. Stay off trails when they are closed.

  • Members are required to wear an approved helmet while riding the FETA and FENCE trails.

  • Current tags need to be displayed on the left side of your saddle.

  • Maximum 6 riders in a group.

  • Stay on marked trails, obey all signs.

  • Walk when approaching other riders, around fence lines and on poor footing. Stay to the edge of fields.

  • When passing through gates, leave them as you found them.

  • Mounted riding only; no ponying, no dogs, no hikers, no biking.

  • Do not eat, drink alcoholic beverages, litter or smoke on the trails.

  • Membership year is from May 1st until April 30th unless you have recently moved to the area.

  • Members may bring personal guests. A properly executed Guest Release must be submitted BEFORE the ride.

  • Local resident guests may ride once per month as a guest. Guests must carry a guest tag and current Coggins.

  • The FETA parking decal should be displayed on the driver’s side rear window. Guests parking should place a dated parking tag on the dash of their tow vehicle.

  • FETA membership of an out of area rider expires when your horse is no longer boarded in the FETA area.

Complete rules at

FETA Quick Links

Larry Roselle
President/Trail Owner Relations/Easements
Steve Herbert
Vice President/Trails
Tracey Evans
Lynne Driscoll
Jean Wright
Chris Simonetti
Trail Master
Shell Brodnax
Events Coordinator
Rhonda King
Bergen Jorgenson Price